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Katalog 2011

About us

Meat industry Goranovic is privately owned by the Goranovic family, which has been practicing this kind of business since 1986 when the company opened its first retail sale store in Niksic. In 2001, a modern plant for the production of meat products was put into operation. Soon after that, the company opened one more retail sale store.

One of the most modern slaughterhouses in the region was built in 2011. It has got the most up-to-date equipment, slaughtering lines and cutting plant.

From humble beginnings few decades ago, through a lot of effort and hard work, Meat industry Goranovic is now a company with the assortment of more than 120 products, more than 170 employees and significant share in the markets of Montenegro and the region

Goranovic zgrada

With the daily capacity of 40000 kg of meat products, Meat Industry Goranovic is leading meat-processing company in Montenegro and the brend recognizable for the quality of products and service.

High quality raw materials, carefully and skillfully sorted according to their origin and quality are the base for the production process

According to the technological production processes, the meat products are divided into following groups:
1. Boiled sausages with meat pieces (Finely and roughly chopped sausages with meat pieces)
2. Smoked products
3. Fermented sausages
4. Cured meat products
5. Cooked sausages
6. Meat pieces products in casing

The Company Goranović also offers fresh meat: lamb, pork, and veal and beef meat.


Goranovic zgrada



The mission of the Meat Industry Goranovic is to offer the consumer high quality products of modern packaging and design, created to meet the consumer’s needs and demands as well as to satisfy global production standards, especially those concerning the quality of products.



The vision of the company is to be a recognizable brand in meat production with the tendency of presence in the European market.



The quality of products is imperative and the company pays maximum attention to the production process, quality control and all related aspects from the procurement of raw materials to delivery of products to end consumers. High quality products, modern technological processes and modern equipment of the world most acknowledged manufacturers, professional staff for production and quality control of meat products, as well as an efficient organization, gained the favour of consumers both in Montenegro and abroad.

We have implemented and are constantly working to improve world-acknowledged system (HACCP) and standards (ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 22000:2005),

As confirmation of successful work, we received numerous awards for business performance and quality of products in Montenegro and abroad, as well as numerous championship cups for quality of products at international fairs.

You can download HACCP Certificate in Montenegrin or in English.

You can download ISO 9001-2015 Certificate in Montenegrin or in English.

You can download ISO 22000-2005 Certificate in Montenegrin or in English.

You can download Quality policy in Montenegrin or in English.